
What’s The Meaning Of Love????????

Some people say there in love but miss take the meaning of it, Love is a strong felling that a person could have towards the opposite sex…
Think of all the time you had said to someone or you said to you that you’re in love?
But really you doesn’t really love that person it’s more like you LIKE THAT PERSON!

LOVE & LIKE are two different types of meaning.
Like is sort of having a crush on someone you admires or fancy!
LOVE-people don’t know is very strong connection between a male or female
Or between the same sex!
Like in my point of view does not last LONG
Love on the other hand lasts forever if the two people involved have the rite

Love and like has branches witch grow from a seed to a fully grown tree
It could cause many problems.
One of the branches in the tree is very high in height-karma
Karma in thoughts people can only explain if they have experienced
Or have felt the pain!

Love to some people are just are waste of time
Love to other people is passionate sex
Love to other people is just are feeling.

To me love can be all those things and more.
A way you could express love is sex, snogging, kissing, and holding hands.
You should always take love not to fast not to slow but just right
For the person who you really say you love.

PEOPLE that r really in love never rally say there in love
But people that like a person it’s the opposite.
When some experiences true love they honestly don’t know they
Actually are, or not or what day it is or who there are!
But it could only happen if the person is there or is he?

Love, like and lust seems just a particular word or phrase that could be an every day word for some people. Another word in the dictionary, another stupid life wrecking self controlling word! It’s so stupid how we see girls on television picking PETALS
FROM A FLOWER not knowing that the guy doesn’t know you even exist.

He loves me
He loves me not
He loves me
He loves me not
He loves me!
By now you may think that I think love is a just crap!
Nah people should think of love better than that. We should be explained more
In a way that we should cherish each other in lust.

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